

(1) Individuals differ in: (a) cognitive/cogitative types; (b) modal types: (c) degree of awareness of unconscious layers of thought process; (d) utilization of strategic judo and camouflaged reversal. (2) Cognitive/cogitative types should not be confused with skill types, aptitude types, emotional types, or personality types. (3) Individual differences in cognitive/cogitative types are mostly phenotypically innate. Therefore the assumption that you should be able to make everybody understand you is incorrect. (4) Communicational modal types are: factual mode, contextual mode, pictorial mode, insinuative mode, deceptive mode, etc. (5) Unconscious layers include self-deception, repression of one's own perception, inability to distinguish whether or not one is lying to oneself. (6) Strategic methods are a part of communication, and include strategic judo, and camouflaged reversal.


Cognitive/Cogitative Types, Modal Types, Strategic Judo, Camouflaged Reversal

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