Author ORCID Identifier
R.K. Prema: 0000-0002-1177-1607
B. Arul Senthil: 0000-0003-0524-2300
D. Ravindran: 0000-0003-1672-9552
In the 21st century digital world companies are so skill specific when it comes to hiring. Talent sourcing is one of the critical challenges of any organization because of the impact of happenings in the society. Organizations are rigorous and of course the learning patterns are also changing. This paper attempts to examine the influence of Massive Open Online Courses among business school students, due to the pandemic. Further, it explores the mediation effect of competency gained and potential benefits of pursuing the MOOC course with respect to satisfaction.
Design/ Methodology
A structured questionnaire measures the response through an online survey. The sample size is 298, and the data is fed into SPSS for further descriptive and inferential analysis. IBM SPSS 26.0 and AMOS software was used in data analysis for SEM Modelling.
The result shows that MOOC courses help to enhance their competence and derive potential benefits. From the Structural equation model, it is observed that, potential benefits mediate the relationship between reason for pursuing MOOC course and their satisfaction level in the learning process.
Practical Implications
Covid 19 pandemic push the education sector to become more tech savvy. The pattern of learning changes and with the digital space students has plethora of opportunities to upskill themselves. As the industry demands, the future leaders have to enrich knowledge in various domains, it is indispensable for the business school students to prefer online courses to meet the corporate expectations.
MOOC courses are familiar among higher educational institutes. This study focuses on the extent to which business school students are utilizing the online courses for enhancing their learning process to fit into the job market.
MOOC Course, Competency, Technology, Business school students, Skills
Recommended Citation
Prema, R K; Senthil, B. Arul; and Ravindran, D.
"Does MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Influence Positively the Learning Process of Business School Students – an Empirical Study,"
Management Dynamics: Vol. 24:
1, Article 9:
Available at: