
Author ORCID Identifier

Rekha Attri

Jagdish Bhagwat: 0000-0002-2823-3717

Jack Reardon


India’s fitness service market in the year 2020 was worth US $ 2.6 billion while the fitness product market was worth US $ 3.7 billion and was anticipated to increase by 8.9% CAGR by 2026. Many people now actively participate in sports and attend fitness facilities due to the increased attention being paid to personal health. The factors affecting customer demand for fitness centres have not received much attention. To do so is the purpose of this paper. This study utilized the quantitative survey method of quantitative design to collect responses from fitness centre customers. Online and offline survey questionnaires were used to collect data from respondents who had fitness centre membership in various Indian cities. 267 responses were collected from the exiting members of 9 fitness centre chains located in three Tier I and five Tier II cities in India. The questionnaire items measured the fitness centre environment, competency of fitness professionals, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty, and were adopted from the scales used in prior studies with minor modifications. Our results indicate that both the fitness centre professionals and the fitness centre environment significantly influence customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Our findings will help fitness providers attract and maintain customers by providing a value-added environment and employing competent fitness professionals.


fitness centres; service environment; fitness professionals; customer satisfaction; customer loyalty

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