
Author ORCID Identifier

Uday Arun Bhale: 0000-0002-6713-6231

Harpreet Singh Bedi: 0000-0002-3645-7403


Background: The customer churn construct attracted the attention of marketing academics as in today’s digital world price is becoming more and more universal. The study of customer churn is significant because it supports the design of sustainable competitive benefits and improvement in the monetary outcomes of companies. As per a study by Gartner (2012), Customer churn can impact the profitability of the company, a five per cent churn reduction can improve a company’s profitability by up to twenty-five per cent, hence understating and managing customer churn is important for the organization. Objective: This study intends to offer the most recent status of published articles on the customer churn constructs on the Scopus database. Methodology: The bibliometric analysis was conducted on the keyword “customer churn” in the Scopus database using the “Title, Abstract, and Keywords” search option. Results and Conclusion: According to the study, the customer churn construct has emerged as a major research subject in the last decade, with a total of 1,305 articles till the end of the year 2020. Study reveals customer churn construct is a global phenomenon that has captured the interest of experts all around the world in the previous decade, exponential increase in publications ranging from the year 2017 to 2020. The study reveals that publications on customer churn are available in a variety of fields and the discipline of “business management” leads this area of study. The study can be used by academicians as a ready reference if they want to do further study on the customer churn construct.


Review, Customer Churn, Bibliometric, Scopus database

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Business Commons
