

The power of word-of-mouth is all omnipresent, but with the advent and proliferation of social media with its speed of spreading the word, it’s more significant than ever before. Online influencer marketing is bringing fashion brands and customers specifically to the millennials – closer than ever before. Personality and content are what social influencers provide to the prospective customers of a fashion brand. Having created their online niche and their follower base these influencers are often probably like-minded individuals. Recommendations from influencers have become more effective and can hold more weight than various impersonal forms of advertisement. A business partnership with the right influencer could better connect the business’ product to the millennials. The study dwells upon the influence of online influencer marketing on millennials when it comes to buying fashion products and why the world of vogue is embracing influencer marketing for reinforcing the brand identity and driving customer engagement. For fashion brands and retailers, online influencer marketing is increasingly becoming a necessity to engage with customers through bloggers and vloggers with an audience that is tailor-focused to their brand.


Social media marketing, influencer marketing, Key Opinion Leader, fashion marketing, content marketing, brand engagement and customer engagement etc.
