

Behavioral intention is the prime concern while opting and using a product or service. The study is conducted to understand the investor’s behavioral intentions towards the trading app in India, using the UTAUT model. The primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire whereas, secondary data were collected from the company website, journals, and so on. The responses were collected from 395 investors which include both existing and prospective users of the app. Using SPSS, chi-square, etc., were performed to understand the significant relationship and difference between the variables in determining the behavioral intention. The study concluded the influence of efficiency and risk variables on the behavioral intention of investors to use the trading app. The awareness level of trading apps was seen to relate with the profession of investors. Moreover, the behavioral intention changes across the profession, whereas it did not vary with the income of the investors.


Behavioral intention, Efficiency variables, Risk variables, UTAUT model, Performance expectancy, Effort expectancy
